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Glad you could join us.

So what is this “Row of Wonder”, you ask?

Well, three writers, trying to accomplish all they set out to do decided to come together in one place to post their goals and progress, in an effort to encourage one other.

But, why “Row of Wonder”?

ROW80 is a writing challenge, started by the great Kait Nolan, that understands that while we may be writers, we have lives. This challenge allows us to keep on top of our writing, and cheer each other in the process. That’s the “Row” part. The “wonder” comes in because, well, frankly, we three are pretty awesome.

Totally real photo.

Ok, so maybe we don’t always feel quite that awesome about ourselves, but each one of us has a certain sense of wonder about each other.

It’s a great thing to have – a group of writers you respect, not only for their mad writing skills, but for being incredible human beings.

We keep each other going, even on those days when all we want to do is throw up our hands, or just throw up.

Even superheroes have bad days, ya’ll. That’s what sidekicks are for.

So, this is the place where we get to be each others heroes some days, and fantastic sidekicks on others. Just the incredibly witty and charming ones, of course.