

Our intrepid author plots her next, uh, plot.

Hello! I participated in ROW80 last year and I really loved it. Not only did it give me a chance to track my progress (gee, what a novel idea — pun intended), I met a lot of terrific writers.

I’m excited to be back for 2012 Round 2. In this round, I’d like to make a few more friends.

Yes, that’s a goal. I’m going to try and be more active on other blogs and make some new writer friends. If you’re stopping by and would like to connect, feel free to say hello in the comments below or on Twitter!

As far as writing goals go, I want to finish my debut novel, THE FOURTH CHANNEL, about the world’s worst necromancer and her crazy, talking knives. I’ve had to put the book’s first few chapters through a Dr. Frankenstein-ish overhaul, and it’s making me shuffle up the rest of the book a little bit. Don’t get me wrong, I’m very excited about the change, but now I’ve got some work to do. When Round 2 is over, I want to have all of my revisions and self-edits done.

Also, my husband does all of my blog and short story edits (I call him “The Spouse-ditor”!), but he won’t be able to work on my novel. After all, he’s a programmer, not a professional editor, so it’s just too massive of a project for him. We’ve agreed to hire an outside editor for my book. By the time this round is over, I want to have an editor selected.

Hopefully this will situate me nicely to get started on another novel in Round 3. Fingers crossed. Nose to the grindstone.

Here I go!