
I signed up for ROW80 last round but kind of fell apart before I began.

With the help of my fellow ROW80ers, in particular the Row of Wonder, I’m hoping to keep it together this time around. When I participated last year, I know it helped  considerably so I’m looking forward to seeing where this round gets me.

Without further gilding the lily…


Post at least 3x a week: This shouldn’t be too hard to do. With Wednesday’s “Why It’s Worth a Watch” series where Tiffany and I let you know what TV shows are worth your time, and my new fiction series Tell Me a Story on Thursdays, that’s a guaranteed two posts a week already.

I’ve decided that this time around, rather than assign myself a word count, I will give myself time. I haven’t carved out the specific schedule yet, but I’d like to dedicate an hour a day to working on my WIP. I’m 60,000 words into the first draft, so this round could mean making it to the end!

Social Media
In addition to the usual participation on other blogs, and general socializing via Twitter, I’d like to take the time to research other ways to reach out to future readers.

I could really use some suggestions on what kind of goal to set for this one. Eating healthier is not really a problem for me, but finding time to exercise is. I’m thinking of starting small; 15 minute exercise videos (YouTube, Netflix, and Hulu+ all seem to have some options in that department) seem doable, especially since the kid finds them entertaining.

There they are. For everyone to see.

Will I be able to keep to them? Stay tuned.

Same BatTime, same Bat…I mean, see you all Wednesday.