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Here we go again…

Once again, I have agreed to participate in Row80 and have already missed my first check in AND I’m having a hard time setting my goals.

Why do I do this to myself?

Because there is nothing quite like the support and encouragement the Row80 community provides.  Really.  That, and it always helps for someone else to hold me accountable.  For the most part, I’m good at working off of my daily list of items; but sometimes I fall behind schedule and have difficulty choosing what should take priority.

Without the other two-thirds of this here Row of Wonder, I don’t know where I’d be today.  Seriously.  Jen and Amber have carried me on many occasions on the days where I have felt like my story should be scratched entirely.  But instead, they make me smile and remind me that I’m not in this alone.

So in keeping with Amber’s format, here goes:


Post three times per week, keeping with my already scheduled program over at The Ooo Factor.

Hahaha, get it?  I made myself laugh anyway…

I am technically finished writing Football Sweetheart and I am currently working on edits, as well as taking suggestions from my critique partners.  My biggest goal at this point, the goal taking the #1 priority, is self-publishing my YA mystery as soon as possible.  The cover is almost complete and I only have a handful of chapters left to edit.

As soon as I hit “publish” on my e-book, or however that works, I’m ready to get going full-steam-ahead on book two of my series.

Social Media
In addition to staying on top of blogs, Twitter, Triberr, Facebook, and Google+, I’d like to start spending time on my Pinterest page and other ways to reach potential readers of Football Sweetheart.  Social Media can really be a time suck each and every day.  This is perhaps my biggest obstacle in time management, thus the barren pages over on my pinboards.

I can not express enough how much I need to work out.  We’ve had a gym membership for over a year, and while there are months where we do a great job of actually going, there are unfortunately many more days where we just don’t go for whatever reason.  We’ve been shopping home exercise equipment and I am ready to get on track… especially since we just planned a lake weekend with my two friends.  I am giving myself until June to get back into “Tiffany-Happy” shape.

Okay, so I’m already a bit overwhelmed with these goals.  I better get to it.  Until the next check in…

Someone top off my glass of wine? Please?