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Howdy, folks.

I’m taking a break from the laundry to be a good ROWer and update you all.

I have a confession to make. I haven’t touched the WIP this week.

But I’m not upset about it.

You see, I started doing a fiction series on my blog, Tell Me a Story. Every Thursday, the next part comes out. I write it as I go, since each part is somewhat based on how the readers respond this week. I thought it would be a good writing exercise and something new to do on the blog.

I didn’t anticipate that I would have SO much fun doing it.

As of this week, I’ve added character interviews as a feature. More fun.

And that is a large part of why I write. For the enjoyment of it.

Remembering how much I enjoy being at the keyboard or snuggling with a notebook has me excited about getting back into my WIP. So, I think this has been a win all around, even if the WIP word count isn’t headed anywhere just yet.

Since this is my first “go” at sharing my fictional writing with the public, I’d love to expose myself to more readers. If you aren’t already reading the series, please have a look and feel free to chime in. If you enjoy it, spread the word to others!

Hope all my fellow ROWers are having a great week. I’ve seen some impressive word counts and goals being accomplished on Twitter!

PS – A little excitement today…I got a tweet thanking me for my latest #watchwed review from one of the show’s actors! It’s the simple things that make me happy, folks.